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May 16, 2017 – WannCry (WannaCrypt) ranswomware worm affects Microsoft Windows operating systems SII has been a certified partner of both Genesys and ININ for many years. We are cic compatibility with win10 version 1607 install. 2015年7月29日 本文搜集整理微软官方发布的Windows 10正式版镜像下载链接,从RTM原始 关于ISO镜像如何制作启动盘、如何校验SHA,具体教程见本文文末。 Fall Creators Update,2017年10月17日发布,开发代号Redstone 3(RS3),  Pode usar esta página para fazer o download de uma imagem de disco (ficheiro ISO) que pode ser usada para instalar ou reinstalar o Windows 10. A imagem  你可以使用此页面下载可用于安装或重新安装Windows 10 的光盘映像(ISO 文件)。借助U 盘或DVD,该映像还可以用于创建安装介质。 Conheça as principais vantagens do Windows 10 S e as diferenças para o Windows 10 tradicional. 10/05/2017 06h01 Atualizado há 3 anos  2014年10月21日,Build 9860通过Windows更新推送给Windows 会员用户,没有官方镜像提供下载,此版本主要加入获取预览版频率快慢的设置和初始版的通知中心  Windows 10 é um sistema operativo da Microsoft, e atualmente a versão mais recente do Windows. A sua primeira versão de testes foi lançada a 1 de outubro 

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The QNX ® OS for Safety 1.0 is a functional safety product assessed to be compliant with ISO 26262 and IEC 61508. It can be used as a Safety Element Out Of Context in items in order to realize safety goals up to ASIL D according to ISO 26262 and as a compliant item in application up to SIL3 according to IEC 61508. CIC 2016 R2 and newer. Interaction Connect only. Interaction Marquee and Interaction Web Portal not supported. Microsoft: Internet Explorer 11: Supports TLS 1.2. Microsoft: Internet Explorer 10: Interaction Connect only. Must enable TLS 1.2 for support. Mozilla: Firefox ESR 38: Interaction Client Web Edition only. Supports TLS 1.2. Mozilla Genesys pioneered Experience as a Service ℠ so organizations of any size can provide true personalization at scale, interact with empathy, and foster customer trust and loyalty. This is enabled by Genesys Cloud ™ , an all-in-one solution and the world's leading public cloud contact center platform, designed for rapid innovation, scalability May 16, 2017 – WannCry (WannaCrypt) ranswomware worm affects Microsoft Windows operating systems In response to the recent WannaCry worm that is currently making its rounds, Genesys recommends the following actions be taken on all customer premise servers running Windows 2008 or later to protect the systems from this attack. This Genesys Test Lab data is intended to serve as a guideline. We provide common conservative scenarios we have tested in our lab. Interpretation of this information as ‘the only option that works’ is not our intent.

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